
Concept 3 #Lyndon, Nicholas Comments Added

Sound Recorder

Thesis Based on: 
“Public Spaces are Anti-Social Spaces"
Is this challenging or supporting? By needing a sound recorder to talk share with others maybe it makes a statement about how anti-social people are.
I think it is both challenging and supporting...we might discuss at next meeting.
Context of Use:  
This installation will be used in a park  or anywhere else people not in time rush. People some time need to pour out to a stranger without been weird, a Sound recorder can make this happen.

Concrete scenario of use
‘walker A walking though queens park and seen a notice board with introduction for a sound recorder. He was upside for weeks, and he do not want to talk to familiar people, he decided to try sound recorder and listen a stranger’s record. He feels good after he finally speak out the reason he upside.
Maybe the strangers record doesn't match the value of this guy, so he feels more angry about this.
Yes, he definitely might be, that is good point, we may thinking about positive and negative this concept relevant. 

installation description

The installation include two part. A sound recorder, and a notice board.
Maybe on the notice board we can ask people why they have not shared this with someone else before?
But if we add this on the board would improve the barrier of participant.
OK, I will leave this for next discussion.

The notice board will be put on the top of sound recorder, showing people how to sound recorder works.

Recorder can only keep one record at one time, when user take a sound record, they can not choose the sound listener, the next user can only take a new sound record after they finish listen to the late sound record.
I think it's better to have a bigger storage and provide recording randomly. But each record will be broadcast just once. It will increase the anonymity.
But what if someone record without listen?

Sound recorder installation will be used for people social communicate without face to face communication.

Simple implement and create a surprise for people always is a good idea. Personally think it will be better to have fun or amuse props come with sound may decrease the hostility from visitor. Plus, i think its hard to get people back again as its looks like no link between each sound, i would like to suggest to come with some rules to make it like a game etc. Lastly, i would suggest to provide a machine to make player to have a scale comments, how were they satisfied with this amazing experiences? 

